Saturday 2 July 2011

A Covered Thing for Years

She finally told him that. At the instance when it was popped out from her lips unwittingly, she felt embarrassed to herself. Is it better not to tell the truth, which she’s kept for years to herself? Absolutely yes! She’s had a mind to tell him the thing someday, but it has to be done after passing about twenty years & more. She spoke it too early, that is, it was not the right time to tell the truth. What for on earth did she unveil it? It would definitely hurt his heart as much as it broke her heart nine years ago. Did she want him to be in agony, the similar agony to hers, which had driven her to deadly despair for last ten years? Did she want to retaliate on him for something desperate in her mind? Probably no! Now she knows that he’s constantly loved her so much and loves her maybe much more than ten years ago. She’d be going to regret . . . better not tell him now.

(Written on 21 June)

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