Saturday, 4 July 2009


Ate up a huge pack of [korean] popped-corn—not popcorn— by myself. The Korean popped corn is called 뻥튀기(Peongtwigi), which is popped without butter or oil. In short, it is absolutely oil-free except intrinsic corn oil in itself. I had eaten too much corn-peong unconsciously with reading all day long, and finally the pack revealed its bottom. Wondering what amount did I eat? Well, the size of the pack is equivalent to a 10-litered bucket (or more?). What a greed! Full of corns and lack of digestibility, my stomach is now in battle. Besides, the dried food like peong requires much water, and I’ll have to drink more water, I think. Wonder if I can fall into sleep easily, though now I am bloody sleepy. Tomorrow morning I may be swollen, especially face, hands and feet.:(


1 comment:

  1. Smell of indigested corn from the inside through belching out. Disgusting! Insane I was. Now I don’t like even popped-corn’s savour. But how long does it last? It’s definitely one of my favourite snacks.:)
