Friday 10 December 2010

I don’t care?!

Do you think I really didn’t care about it? Well. . . What can I say? I did or didn’t? Ridiculous it is! That’s absolutely not that, you know. Don’t you know the ironic? That was not some metaphor you couldn’t understand. It’s just a sarcastic irony.

Yes, waiting is not my nature. Is there anyone who has waiting-nature? One just waits when there’s no alternative. From my youth I used to wait for no man except in particular cases, because it would often give miserable feeling in most cases. I didn’t wait for any man before it was requested and there’s no man who dared to make me do it without my consent. It meant good-by for me.

Do you know how much time I've wasted on vain waiting in my life? I would wait for someone/something I mustn't wait or couldn’t be waited for. I cannot repeat those follies, I must not. Nevertheless, I’ve waited for you all the summer. That’s not all. I spent the whole autumn compromising the miserable with the bluff. I had to stand the hurting cruelty of the situation, which consumed my soul. What on earth can you imagine? What on earth do I have to do more?



  1. Hmm.You know Britt, sometimes I think we have a very similar thoughts. Maybe other people have them too... And sometimes whose questions just make a chaos in the mind) Our century has a lot advices. Every bookstore is full of books like "How to be happy"," Your way to...","Easy life things" or something like that. But why people are still have those thoughts? Paradox - we have a lot of specialists of happyness but we still try to find it!)))

  2. Maybe it’s because that all of us separately have our own uniqueness. People resemble one another in that they are all human beings, but everything of them is just something of their own. There’s no absolute match at any case in the world and there’s no exact the same person with one. Even the monozygotic twins are absolutely different persons, aren’t they?

    Most of books and thoughts say the general, and the General is just general. Others’ is not mine in spite of the very similarity to mine. Even when it seems to be exactly mine, nevertheless it’s not mine. We always ask “why” and “how”, but the answer is not given to us at all. It is endlessly deferred, leaving all of questions and answers in our own hands (hearts). You pry into yours, and I into mine, and the philosophers into theirs. The least comfort would be the recognition of that I am not the only one who suffers from such things as a human. :)

    This time I made a short speech? Just a banal platitude of speech, haha!


  3. No, it isn't a banal platitude!)
    It's a speech of a very clever person.And also I'd like to say that your understanding of live is much better than written in some modern books. That's my sincere thought!


  4. Oh, Vlad! Thank you for the compliment, but I can see the sullen faces of modern philosophic writers.;) Hahaha~!
