Thursday 31 March 2011

Fragments of Memoranda in months

1. A friend is only a friend, cannot be more or less. (Then just more than that: 27 Oct. 2010)

2. If there’s a guy who makes me totally forget about my age, that is, who makes me feel like just a girl, I think I cannot but love him. (For me really younger than anyone else: 11 Nov. 2010)

3. Sometimes she asks herself if she’s a woman, indeed. Well, she’s seemingly a lady, but I cannot tell about “a woman,” though she provokes someone at times. (Whenever perceiving her, he’s struck and becomes honest as he is: 14 Nov. 2010)

4. My inside frequently rebels me, so more these days that I’m overwhelmed at every moment. What am I supposed to do? (Let it be or flow: 24 Nov. 2010)

5. Virtue disguised morals is often much more hypocrite than vice itself. It isn’t honest at all at times. (So, can it be a excuse? 24 Nov. 2010)

6. Love never demands pay, and it won't as ever. (It’s O.K: 3 Dec. 2010)

7. About the procedure of their relationship, there are separately two ways, at worst two ways and at best two ways. At worst, she falls in love with him, or she breaks her fantasy and stops making the fairy-tale. At best, she makes an affair with him, or she wakes herself up from self-delusion and recovers self-consciousness. He constantly encourages her amnesia, but often her self-consciousness interrupts in, which where her identity is embedded in and engraved on. I think she won’t make an affair with him, because love is blind and foolish but an affair has eyes. Definitely it’s hard for her to accept him embracing all the things she cannot understand about him. Not only he is in the realm of a haze for her, but also she doesn’t like to be in the same basket bustling with his girls. The roué's girls! (I’m blind / Pardon? / No, nothing: 12 Dec. 2010)

8. I think he can’t give her what she wants. I know it so well because he even doesn't know about what she wants. She knows about what he wants, though, she doesn't give it to him. In that sense, he is a fool and she an evil, but in reverse, in different sense, she is a fool and he an evil. The poor girl is dreaming of something romantic whatever it contains. (I don’t agree yet I know: 12 Dec. 2010)

9. I advised her to spare a little distance from him because he was so cruel. Without loving her (as far as I think), he woke up her deep and long sleeping instinct and fired on it for her desire to flame up. The poor girl doesn't know how to control it and how to take her composure back as before. She is helpless at times. She wants to hate him, but can't do that. Rather, she likes him and doesn’t want to lose him. She needs him as much as he does her. He is the knight in her fairy tale as well as the fierce demon of inevitable reality. Then she must harmonise the fairy-tale with the reality and keep up with her purity simultaneously compromising her instinctive vulgarity. (I understand: 15 Dec. 2010)

10. Is saying longer sentences such hard? It makes you look blunt as if being angry with me. I want my man to be tender of my feelings. (Ok, promised: 12 Jan, 2011)

11. Generously granting for the knight’s storage! Take one whenever she asks something! Not bad would be sharing with her! (Actually good it is: 18 Jan, 2011)

Did I need to write them down? Well, I don’t know, but for a catharsis.


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