Saturday 13 November 2010

Pushkin's Nonsense

I’ve struggled with slyly wicked evils of life all the year round. This year has particularly demanded my deadly fighting. I’ve been repeatedly disappointed with so many things/situation of mine as well as of others. Whenever I confronted with such a deadlock, I had to deal with all by myself and for myself. I know the human is originally alone but, nevertheless, I used to expect someone for sharing my emotion, not my burden but just emotion. I shouldn’t have assumed such an attitude, but was it so wrong? I doubt I have to still stand upon the Pushkin’s nonsense.

What though life conspire to cheat you,
Do not sorrow or complain.
Lie still on the day of pain,
And the day of joy will greet you.

Hearts live in the coming day.
There’s an end to passing sorrow.
Suddenly all flies away,
And delight returns tomorrow.


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