Friday 14 January 2011


1. Most of ‘ups and downs’ that I emotionally feel these days are coming from relationships. . . Where on earth is my life going? What on earth is it? I think I live on my way, but everyday life of mine doesn’t seem to be.

2. We cannot retrieve the past. The past is just the past and there is only the present. If one re-claims the past, all the attempts would come up in vain. I’ve tried so hard to escape from the past, and I think I’m recovered now. I don’t want to go back to that time. Is this happening of the present, then? Is another present beginning? No way! I hope P can help me to manage this deadlock.

3. Sometimes being loved is desperately a sad thing, especially when we don’t want it at the moment. Loving is also hardships for nothing at the very moment. So are we trying to avoid being in love with someone? I want to be loved, but I don’t want to be in love. What paradox is it?



  1. Brit, being loved is the condition which many people looking for around the world, including me;) But you already have it. I think it will help you through any difficult times.

  2. Only if it's not the feeling of being trapped... both for me and for the other. Oh, Vlad, you're so good man that you may not understand me.

  3. Oh, Brit! You always tell so much very good words to me!;)
