Wednesday 5 January 2011

A Weird Day

What a weird day yesterday (4 Jan.) was, though fantastic! Many things came up all at once. Such a day has never been and would never come, I think.

After morning class I had lunch with Ms Hwang, my colleague as well as wife of Prof. Im.

On the way to office, I came across our Dean who was coming back from lunch with two female staffs. The Dean is my supervisor and ever-supporter. I’m using his personal office as if it’s mine because he currently works at Dean’s. His personal office is a treasury of books on our field.

P said he had missed . . . he wanted . . . he would expect . . .

Prof. K of our Chief dropped by my office. He had arranged a work for me and thankfully he wanted to know how well got on my work. I like him so much, but his usual reserve has kept some distance between us.

Gen. phoned me in the evening and at the time I didn’t reject it.

At night HK phoned me after long silence. I don’t remember the last time when I listened to his voice. . . . He spoke of something ever-lasting in his mind. I know he has constantly loved me as a friend (maybe more than that) all the time for 10-more years. He is the only one who has emotionally never changed.

Prof. P sent messages to me. He is one of the Acting Consciences of the time in Korea and I like and respect him.


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