Monday 29 November 2010

Distraction, the Chronic

I’m troubled with indescribable distraction now. Been at work for more than eight hours, nevertheless, I’ve done nothing. I could not concentrate on my work at all. If you ask what makes me so, I cannot tell. Maybe I know it, maybe don’t. Now and then, distraction from various reasons interrupts my work and it has been usually psychological kind. If not the kind, I would deal with it somehow. The heartless foe of my mind, though, I cannot help. These days, distraction seems to become a chronic symptom upon my mind and it drives me feel like insane. Save. . .

(Don't stick to anything, just let it be and flow!)


  1. Britannia, I think it's a usual things for people with artistic vision of this world.It's a not pleasant feeling but anyway it will be passed.Sometimes our live is a one big question without answers. But who knows - maybe it's a way to understanding this world through different feelings.

  2. I agree. The matter is that our knowing/recognising often doesn’t match with our feeling, though, and it may be also a usual thing. We all separately vacillate inside and outside of our own emotional complexities. It’s because that we the human are the thinking and feeling animal, I think. Now and then, understanding the world through feeling requires a certain braveness, doesn’t it? ;) Thanks for the kindly remarks, Vlad!

  3. You're welcome, Britannia!
    Yes, you are rigth. You must have a braveness to understand this world trough feelings.And I explain why so.From our childhood the world teach us how to do different things. Like:" You MUST do it, You MUST think as we are saying you, you MUST feel only as we learn you". This is the world's "education" big mistake. That's why we have really depressed generation. I think every man or woman need to hear its own soul, heart and mind. The feelings combined with our dreams and the dreams combined with our imagination. When we are inspired we able to create great things (a lot of famous people did them and not once). If your feelings are really good you should develop them but not kill. It's dangerous for our souls. When people destroy their dreams - they become indifferent to whole the world.Of course, the dream it's not only thinking, it's also an acting. One of the main problems is that people sometimes cannot make difference between dream and illusion;) That's why need to listen to your heart, and do it with attention. Unfortunately the world have a dependence to resist our dreams, so we can feel ourselves confused. But fortunately if you trust your sincere dream, it will be much stronger that all pragmatic world.
    It looks like I wrote some speech for some international philosophy conference:-)

  4. Thank you, sincere lecturer! I've really enjoyed your speech.;) Well . . . You can call me shortly "Brit" or "Brhew" as I call you "Vlad". :)

  5. Ok, I will, Brit;)

    And thank you for listening and understanding!

    Hmmm...Will the next Nobel Prize mine?;)))
